New Books in the Air!

17 Feb

love booksWatching and listening to a writer put a book together is just such a fun adventure. Yes, they write…Writers, Write!  But it’s when they hit “The End” that the fun begins…Editing. You think editing is just checking spelling and hitting the grammar button…but you are wrong. So Wrong!

It’s finding people to edit for you…because your own eyes just do not catch the movement of words on the page like a new reader. It’s allowing someone to tell you that a character, or an event in the book is just not hitting the editor’s reading zone…maybe it’s too busy or too long. Yet allowing your own created baby to be critiqued is really a hard thing to do. You love your own new baby book, you have put your heart into it and now…its being tossed around like a beach ball as one edit-reader reports in to you – after another.. Hurtful? Yes, very hard to hear…but yes, very important to the story and the book as a whole. Then with these suggestions the hours and hours of re-reading and editing begin…how many hours? Almost as many as the original write,  now think on that the next time you pick up a book to give it a general glance. That book has so much time and care put into it. It’s an amazing thought to me…that is why I always like to read about the author…to see what kind of a person would gift me with their time so openly.

Deciding when to turn it over to a professional editor. Just as you have listened and worked through issue after issue in your editing stage…you are going to “hire” a professional person to pull you down into the ibis? Can you ever really recover from someone of “note” telling you how many mistakes you have made? Yes, yes you can recover and your book will be bright, shiny, new and ready for the readers to enjoy and review. You are a strong person to sit quietly alone in a room and create and now you are a stronger person to take that creation and mold it into a piece of art to share with readers. They deserve the best and your time receiving information and correcting will be your gift to them.

How about those reviews? Are reviews really important…I mean we all love to read and have busy lives…why bother taking five minutes to re-connect to the website and write a review? Because as readers, its good for us to express our opinions in a kind and constructive way. Our own words will help other readers who have very limited time to read so they can see if the subject matter and story theme is something that they would relate to and enjoy…instead of buying a book and only reading two chapters and getting bored. You as a reader are doing a review service…not to exalt or deflate a writer…but to express your pleasure of a good read and with kindness – and always suggest the book to others.

My life has been filled with books…and each new cover draws me in…when I read a printed book…its the smell of the new paper that excites me. When I download a new title on Kindle its the allure of the cover and the enjoyment of reading more of a favored series. To recapture that moment of “falling into the book”. That’s what I adore about reading; the escape from the world around me. Money worries, family, work, health issues, world news…it all melts away when I am reading. For an hour or more. I am in a cozy chair, with wine or tea and totally immersed in a story and a lifetime of others. I love it!

My time with our support group called  WritersThatChat  –  has taught me the ups and downs of authors. Their hours of ideas and story development, their worry over details, their time with editing and marketing. Their constant self examination and willingness to debate and chat about alternatives. I respect them and their gift of talent and time. I hope to grow up and be just like them one day.

If you love to read…here are some fun books by our authors. I know you will enjoy these and others they have for you. If you would be so kind to give them all reviews. As life long readers…its our duty to thank the authors for hundreds of hours of their creativity and encourage them to keep going…to WRITE FOREVER !  (notes from francy)


Robyn M Ryan

Robyn is still in editing and this book will be out soon…we are all excited for her…check out her fun blog–Sports & Romance genre


Kitty Kirwin second book Haunted Bedtime Stories

Kitty Kirwin, adores writing about Horror she has a selection of books for you.



Cherry Woods Lane Pals, is an interactive Children’s Book Blog, perfect for parents, grandparents and home schooling, by Diana Lund


Rachelle Book

Rachelle writes with her husband John and enjoys Fantasy Genre


Michele is a supporter of safe homes, love and long life of anipals everywhere come join her Blog Hop Thursday !


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Posted by on February 17, 2016 in Uncategorized


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