Tag Archives: Publishing

Famous Writers are Born Every Day

Writing is a lonely way to live your life, but if you are driven to express yourself with words…it’s your life. Finding that my own writing was going along quite well but my editing, public relations and knowledge of publishing was lacking was becoming apparent as I slowed down after my book was finished. I was so busy in my life, that my writing was always the last in line..I was ready to make a change.

writers that chat

We don't write alone

I enjoy sharing information with other authors through Twitter and so I asked if there were any other authors that wanted to join me in a support group. I was amazed at the quality of talent that walked into the chat room on our first meeting.

We met, we worked well together and now we have a group that supports each member and we all look forward to our weekly gatherings. Step by step we are learning more and more about Independent E-book publishing and a wide variety of media options. Its been a fun ride and we are so pleased to now share our work with you.

The key to our success is that we each have interesting talents and knowledge that we share with the group. Each week we review our weekly goals and together we are moving ahead and one by one our books are being published. It is so exciting to see the success of these talented writers. Each time you visit our site you will be greeted by another member and be able to share a sample of their writing in a featured blog. You’re going to really enjoy meeting and getting to know these super women. All of them are carving out time for their writing in-between rich and busy lives. Wait till you read their bio’s …they truly are Super Women…and I am very proud of them all.

Alone they have created and written books that are filled with hours of enjoyable reading. Each of the authors come to you from different parts of our world. Our authors start over in Great Britain, then cross the sea to the United States where we pick up a few more and then far off to Australia where we top our membership off. Together we are able to learn how to spread the news and share our books with you, our readers. Each of the members have different genres and different ideas of marketing so its really enjoyable to learn knew ideas and push new boundaries with our work. It’s a kick to think that all the miles that keep us away from each other as we work, disappear as we meet online and enjoy our friendship and business partnerships with each other and now…with you.

We all welcome you and hope you will Click the RSS button and be notified each time one of our writers spends some time doing a fun piece for this site. Please let your pals on Twitter and Facebook know about us so we can share our work with readers all over the world. Oh, and you must leave us a comment so we know what you like and what your favorite genre is…that way we know how to write on subjects you enjoy. Until we meet again…thanks for stopping by. francy

writers that chat

Sharing our ideas and marketing tips


Posted by on June 28, 2011 in Uncategorized


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